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Monday, January 28, 2019

Documenting Existence

Documenting Existence

It is noteworthy while tramping through old graveyards that while there are broken and unreadable tombstones, many graves went unmarked.Perhaps you noticed some impressions in the soil which appeared to be graves of children? A great deal of work is required to ascertain who the missing children were of a particular family. From one census 10-year span to the next, all small children should reappear. Yet, they do not. We are aware of these children, but do not know happened to them? Are there common dates in families or in the cemetery which suggest measles or typhoid fever? The cemetery tells its own story, if one examines it closely by viewing all of the tombstones. In past eras when the keeping of the family bible was important, a family register was maintained. Such bibles (if you can find one) fill in the blanks left out by cemeteries. Perhaps someone posted an obituary an old newspapers, however, such a notice could appear in a regional newspaper, or even one in another State where the person had relatives. There is one thing for certain. The search requires many long hours of tedium. How many people, do you suppose, were lost to history?

Index to Kentucky Wills and Estates

Online Genealogy

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