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Friday, November 6, 2015

Images of Bourbon Co. KY Wills and Estates

Bourbon County, Kentucky Court House Records

Paris, Kentucky Paris, KentuckySome of the most beautiful country in America is in Paris, Kentucky. In 1780 the district of Kentucky belonged to three counties in Virginia, viz: Fayette, Jefferson and Lincoln. Old Bourbon County was formed in 1786 from Fayette and Bourbon Counties, Virginia, and originally comprised 34 northeastern counties of Kentucky. When the new State of Kentucky was created in 1792, Bourbon became a county. The land itself was given by Fayette County, Virginia, and was named after the French House of Bourbon in honor of the assistance which France gave to America during the Revolutionary War. The courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1872 and again in1901, resulting in the loss of county records. Whiskey, made from corn had a distinctive flavor and became a popular drink termed Bourbon whiskey as opposed to rye whiskey. The whiskey barrels were marked Old Bourbon when they were shipped downriver from the local port on the Ohio River. The port from where the whiskey was shipped was called Limestone, now Maysville, and was located in Bourbon County until the borders were redrawn in 1789 and it became Mason County. The county seat is Paris, Kentucky.

Bourbon County Probate Records available to members of Kentucky Pioneers

Images of Wills, Inventories, Estates, Book A, 1786 to 1799

Allen, James Allen, James S. Allison, Charles Andrews, Jacob Armstrong, James Beasman, John Bell, Robert Black, John Boseman, John Britely, William Brown, Alexander Brown, James Brussher, James Burton, John | Castleberry, Moses Clark, Andrew M. Clifford, Robert Collins, Elijah Congleton, John Cook, William Curry, James

Douglas, John Dowden, Thomas Duffiel, Robert Dunlap, John Evans, William Fincher, John Foler, James Franklin, Robert Furnace, Jacob

Galloway, William Gilbert, Barney Glasgow, John Gosney, William Gregg, John Gregg, John Hayden, Nehemiah Henderson, Alexander Hinkead, Joseph Hinkson, John Homan, Ebenezer Humble, Conrad

Jackson, John Jacoby, Ferdinand Jacoby, Francis Jameson, Samuel Jolly, David Jones, John Jones, Thomas Kellar, Isaac Kinkaid, David Kuykendall, Henry

Ladd, Samuel Lail, George Lair, Mathias Lamme, Robert Lamy, William Laughlin, James Lee, Donald Leonard, Catherine Levens,Ann Lynes, Edmond

Mauck, George McCann, John McClanahan, William McClure, Andrew McClure, William McConnel, Archibald McCullough, George McMillions, James McMullen, John McNay, Agnes McNay, John McNickle, Arthur Methany, Thomas Mitts, Adam Monroy, William Moon or Moore, Jacob Moore, Thomas Moren, Jane Morrin, James Morrison, John Moses, James

Nesbit, Jeremiah Nesbitt, Samuel Norris, James Ogle, Benjamin Palmer, John Patton, William Payne, Joseph Peyton, Timothy Phillips, Jenkin Price, George

Reading, George Redman, George Reeder, Thomas Ritchey, Philip Ritchey, William Ruddle, Joseph Sampson, Richard Sconce, Thomas Scones, John Scott, James Scott, John Shanks, Christian Shawhan, Daniel Smith, James M. Smith, John Sneltzer, Peter Strand, James Strother, Thomas

Tamiper, Samuel Tate, John Thomas, James Thompson, Joseph Thumon, Joshua Tucker, Edward Underwood, Reubin Veasing, John Wallace, Andrew Waller, Edward Ward, Isaac Warson, James Webb, James Wells, Benjamin West, John Whittledge, John Wickerham, John Wilson, David Wilson, John Winn, Owen Wood, John Worth, John Young, Samuel

Images of Wills, Inventories, Estates, Book B, 1798 to 1805

Alexander, J. | Alkire, Harmonius | Anderson, George | Baseman, John | Black, James | Boush, James | Boyd, William | Breckenridge, Alexander | Brown, Abel | Burns, Andrew

Clarke, Robert | Clarkson, John | Cogswell, Joseph | Couchman, Andrew | Craig, Thomas | Crouch, Mary | Douglass, James | Douglass, Samuel | Douglass, Samuel | Dudley, James | Duncan, Joseph | Edminston, Robert | Edwards, Haden

Farr, Frederick | Fearn, John | Ferguson, John | Ferguson, Peter | Field, Ann | Furnish, Mary | Galloway, William | Ganey, William | Godman, Jeremiah | Griffith, Amos | Griffith, M. | Griffith, William | Grigsby, Frances | Grimes, Stephen | Grubs, Elizabeth | Grubbs, William

Hamilton, Thomas | Hamilton, William | Hayden, Nehemiah | Hendricks, David | Hendricks, Peter| Hendrix, Absalom | Hornback, Simon | Huffstutter, Allerick | Huffstutter, Mariah | Jacobs, John | Jacoby, Henry | Jennifer, John Joseph | Kennebrook, John | Kennedy, Joseph | Kenney, David | Kirkpatrick, John

Lair, Elizabeth | Lair, Mathias | Leer, Daniel | Marney, Robert | Martin, George | Maxwell, John | Maxwell, Samuel | McClanahan, William | McClelland, William | McClintock, Daniel | McDaniel, Enos McNay, Joseph McShain, Edward Metheny, Daniel Miller, Bernard | Mitchell, John | Mitchell, William | Moore, Thomas | Moss, Thomas | Mountjoy, Alvin

Neale, Benjamin | Nelson, Charles | Nesbit, Jeremiah | Nesbit, J. | Parks, John | Patton, William | Payne, Joseph | Phillips, Elijah | Phillips, William | Pryor, Mary | Pury, Robert | Quick, James

Rawlings, Joshua | Reeder, Thomas | Ross, Henry | Ruddell, Archibald | Ruddle, John | Rule, Sarah | Sammon, John | Sandford, Reubin | Shrout, Peter | Slater, Samuel | Smith, Jacob Smith, John | Smith, Thomas | Stevenson, George | Stokes, John

Tallett, John | Thomas, James | Thornhill, John | Todd, Samuel | Trimble, David | Tucker, Edward | Tucker, Jonathan | Turner, Jesse | Wallace, Margaret | Ward, Benjamin | Webb, William E. | Welch, Michael | Whaley, James| Williams, James | Williams, John | Williams, S. | Young, Benjamin

Images of Wills, Inventories, Estates, Book C, 1805 to 1809

Alexander, James | Alexaner, Wilson | Ayres, Matilda | Barns, John | Barr, D. | Baseman, John | Beckett, Robert | Bell, James | Beshan, John | Bevins, Charles | Black, A. | Black, Alexander | Black, Martha | Bowen, John | Bowles, David | Bramblett, Reuben | Brown, A. | Call, Daniel

Camp, Cussenbury | Campbell, Hugh | Champ, C. | Champ, Thomas | Clarkson, Agnes | Clarkson, J.| Courchman, Andrew | Craig, John | Davidson, William | Dawson, Samuel | Dougherty, Alexander | Dudley, James | Dudley, John | Duncan, Joseph | Duncan, Sarah

Finch, Samuel | Friend, Andrew | Fugate, Edward | Fulton, James | Futner, Jesse | Garrard, George | Griffith, Amos | Griffith, William | Grimes, Sally | Guillion, William

Hall, Isaac W. | Hall, John | Hall, M. | Hamilton, Thomas | Hicklin, Thomas | Hillis, William Jr. | Hitt, Jesse | Huffman, Dr. | Hughes, Ralph | Hutsell, Michael | Jacobs, John | Jacobs, Matilda | Jones, John | Keith, George | Kelly, Nancy | Kemp, Reuben | Kennedy orphans | Kenny, David

Lasay, Adam | Law, Elizabeth | Lee, Jacob | Lee, James | Lighter, Henry | Ligon, John | Lydick, Andrew | Lyon, John | Martin, David | Martin, Dr. | Matheny, Daniel | McClanahan, Thomas | McClelland, William | McClintock, Daniel | McClure, Andrew, Rev. | Miller, Bernard | Miller, Henry | Mitchell, Alexander | Mitchell, William | Moore, M.

Neely, Henry | Nelson, C. | Nesbitt, William | Parker, Thomas | Payne, Joseph | Pight, Jacob | Poos, Nicholas | Porter, Edward | Pritzman, John | Puttin, James

Riley, Levin | Robinett, Joseph | Robinett, Samuel| Rogers orphan | Rollins, John | Rollins, Joshua| Rowe, John| Rule, Sarah | Ryman, Elias | Sandford, Reubin | Sandford, Samuel | Schraub, Peter | Sconce, Robert | Scott, John | Scott, William | Self, Vincent | Shurer, John | Smith, Elizabeth | Smith, Thomas | Smith, Thomas Jr. | Springer, William | Spurgin, George Strother, Joseph

Timberlake, Richard | Torman, John | Underwood, Francis | Weakland, Bowles | Wentland, Charles | Wheeler, Ruth | Wright, Thomas | Wright, William O. | Yocum, F.

Images of Wills, Inventories, Estates, Book D, 1809 to 1814 Allen, Mary | Ammon, Thomas | Ashbrook, Aaron | Ayers, Daniel

Bagby, William | Baird, James | Baird, John | Benson, William | Berryman, John E. | Bevan, Rachel | Bournough, George | Breckinridge, Alexander | Bowles, David | Bowles, Joseph | Bridges, John | Brown, Beverley | Browning, William | Burner, George

Call, Daniel | Callis, William | Carter, Heber | Case, Joseph | Champ, John | Champ, Thomas | Clarke, John | Clay, Samuel | Cleveland, George | Colp, John C. | Congleton, John Congleton, William | Crester, William | Cropper, Levi

Davidson, William | Dickey, David | Drummond, Mary | Elliott, Archibald | Field, John Jr. | Fight, John | Finch, Samuel | Fishback, Jesse | Fisher, Thomas

Garrard, Daniel | Gillner, Abraham | Graves, Richard | Grimes, Stephen | Grooms or Green, William

Hall, Isaac W. | Harmon, Peter | Henderson, Jesse | Hibler, William Sr. | Hicklin, Thomas | Hill, William | Hoddington, William | Hornback, Daniel Hughes, James

Jenkins, William | Johnson, William | Jones, Charles | Jones, John | Jones, Thomas Sr. | Kincaid, George | Kirby, Thomas

Leary, Dennis | Longmore, Hugh | Love, John S. | McClanahan, Thomas | McClanahan, William | McClelland, William | McClure, James Sr. | McConnell, William | McCoy, John | McMillan, John | Miller, George | Moore, Benjamin | Morris, Morris | Mountjoy, George

Nasson, James | Neal, William | Neale, Benjamin | Owings, John Cockney

Parish, Nathaniel | Parish, William | Parker, Thomas | Payne, George | Pilcher, John | Porter, Edward | Porter, John | Poston, Elijah | Pryor, Joseph | Pullen, Jedediah

Rankin, Reuben | Ravenscraft, John | Redman, George | Rice, John | Rich, Philip | Riffle, Peter | Robinett, James | Robinett, John | Robinett, Joseph | Robinett, Samuel | Rogers, Ezekiel | Ruddell, Isaac | Rudy, Henry | Ruddell, Archibald | Rule, John

Sanders, Henry | Sham, Jonathan E. | Smith, Robert | Smith, Thomas | Smith, Weathers | Sparkes, Thomas | Sparks, Thomas | Spears, Christian | Spurgin, George | Spurgin, Zephaniah

Thornton, Charles Taliaferro | Tillett, John | Timberlake, Jesse | Todd, John Sr. | Trester, William | Trotter, Joseph | Tucker, Alexander | Tull, Isaac

Wasson, J. | Watson, Charles | Webb, Nancy (now Kelly), estate of William Webb | Weddington, William | Whaley, James | Wheeler, Ruth | White, Jesse | White, John | White, Robert | Williams, Charles | Williams, Jesse | Wilson, George | Wilson, Mary

Images of Wills, Inventories, Estates, Book E, 1814 to 1816

Alkier, Harmonius | Allen, Samuel | Alty, Emanuel | Ammon, Thomas | Ayres, Daniel | Barbee, Joseph | Barlow, Tomplin | Bett, John | Bett, Patsy | Brown, Alexander| Browning, Joshua | Buckhanon, William

  • Clark, Ann | Clark, John | Clay, John | Cochran, Andrew | Collins, Josiah | Conn, Thomas | Crump, Sherwood | Culton, Robert | Curl, John

  • Darrowsmith, Richard | Davidson, William | Dazey, Jonathan | Dickerson, Serratt | Dillon, Samuel | Donnell, James | Dougherty, Levi | Dugal, James | Duncan, Catharine| Eales, John | Edmonds, Rebecca | Edwards, Daden

  • Ferguson, John | Fields, Reuben | Fisher, Thomas | Fisher, William | Forman, William | Frester, William | Garrard, Daniel | George, Reuben | Gist, Thomas | Grimes, Aron | Grimes, James | Grimes, Jane | Grimes, Stephen

  • Hale, Robert | Hamey, Selby | Hayden, Lot |Henderson, Jesse | Henry, James Jr. | Hildreth, John | Hopkins, John | Hughes, James | Jones, William | Kendrick, Lewis | Kenny, James | Lavary, John

  • Martin, David | McClellan, William | McClure, James | McConnell, Martha | Moore, Benjamin | Moore, John |Norton, John

  • Parish, William | Phelp, John Sr. | Pilcher, John | Piper, William | Presley, William | Purcell, William | Purdy, Robert | Ross, Clement | Ruby, Henry | Ruddell, Elizabeth
  • Scone, John | Scone, Robert | Scott, Samuel | Sledd, Thomas | Solomon, man of color | Sparks, John | Stewart, Richard | Sudrith, William | Swiney, John | Trimble, George | Trimble, Isaac | Tucker, Alexander |Tull, Isaac | West, Alvin |Whaley, Daniel | White, Susanna | Wilson, M. | Wright, Joseph | Wright, Thomas

    Images of Wills, Inventories, Estates, Book F, 1816 to 1821
  • Chamberson, Silas | Cunningham, J. | Hardesty, Benjamin | Kirkpatrick, Joseph | Parks, James | Patton, Margaret | Timmerman, Philip | Wallen, John

    Miscellaneous Images of Wills and Estates 1795 to 1805

    Alexander, James | Alkire, Harmonius |Anderson, George Baseman, John |Black, James |Boyd, William |Brush, James |Burns, Andrew

    Clarke, Robert |Clarkson, John |Cogswell, Joseph, Dr. |Cook, John |Couchman, Andrew |Craig, Thomas |Crouch, Mary |

    Dasey, Thomas | Douglas, Samuel | Dudley, James | Duncan, Joseph | Edminston, Robert | Edwards, Haden |

    Fearn, John |Ferguson, John | Field, Anna | Forqueran, Peter Sr. | Furnish, Mary

    Godman, Jeremiah | Gosney, William | Griffith, Amos | Griffith, William | Griffith, Manassa | Grimes, Stephen | Grubbs, Elizabeth, Mrs.

    Hall, Caleb | Hambleton, William | Hamilton, Thomas | Hand, Elizabeth | Hayden, Nehemiah | Hendricks, Daniel | Hendricks, Peter | Higgins, Joshua | Hinkson, John | Hornback, Simon | Huffstuter, Allerick | Hutsel, Gabriel

    Jacobs, John | Jacoby, Henry | Jenifer, Joseph | Jennifer, John | Johnston, Benjamin

    Kennedy, Joseph | Kinnebrook John | Kirkpatrick, John | Laile, George | Lair, Elizabeth | Lair, Mathias | Lear, Daniel

    Marney, Robert | Matheny, Daniel | Martin, George | Maxwell, John | McClanahan, Jemima | McClanahan, William | McClintock, Daniel | McDaniel, Eneas | McMullen, John | McNay, Joseph | McShaine, William | Millen, Bernard | Mitchell, John | Moore, Thomas | Moss, Thomas

    Neal, Benjamin | Nelson, Charles | Nesbit, Jeremiah | Newell, Stephen | Parks, John | Patton, William | Payne, Joseph | Phillips, Elijah | Pryor, Mary | Pury, Robert

    Quiet, James | Quiet, John | Rawlins, Joshua | Reeder, Thomas | Reynolds, Thomas | Ross, Henry | Ruddle, Archibald | Ruddle, John | Rule, Sarah

    Sanford, Reuben | Slater, Samuel | Smith, John | Smith, Thomas | Stephenson, George | Stevenson, George | Stokes, John | Strother, Thomas | Strout, Peter | Summers, John

    Talbott, John | Tarr, Frederick | Thomas, James | Thornhill, John | Todd, Edward | Todd, Samuel | Trimble, David | Tucker, Edward | Tucker, Jonathan | Turner, Jesse

    Ward, Benjamin | Webb, William | Welch, Michael | Whaley, James | Williams, John | Worle, Atwell | Young, Benjamin
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